Home » Database Administration
Samaa Group helps companies of all sizes overcome the hassle of managing database administration and security, offering customized database designs, and facilitating its accessibility for better business performance, time-efficiency, and a cost reduction.
Samaa Group offers database administration and development services using cutting-edge technologies in database management and performance optimization: –
A well-known database management server that utilizes (SQL). This type of programing language is oriented to deal with data in a relational database management system. What makes SQL's server so special, is how it is customized to handle the toughest of workloads.
A multi-featured application builder, with highly secured data integration, and high-end risk mitigation environment. It is quite practical in managing database of all sizes & stands out for being an open source.
With what MySQL offers of an all-inclusive backing for all sorts of development needs, it is the most recognized open source database worldwide. It also happens to accommodate (JDBC & ODVC) drivers & other connectors which permit different applications to use MySQL as a data management server.
Data exchange happens in no time now thanks to Firebase as it handles the real-time exchange of any data in the database. it is also quite efficient in developing chat messaging, live-streaming, and other mobile apps.
It depends mainly on BSON or JSON for data storage. The main reasons for choosing MongoDB would be, no doubt, the top performing data store it accommodates, automatic scaling, and simple installation.
It does not require much of an effort to sort out the biggest programming dilemmas out with Redis's data structures. All it takes is a few simple commands, on the data store level, to minimize effort put into coding, cut latency, and to level up.
Samaa Group provides database administration and security services to companies specialized in different industries all over the world
Our technology consulting services on database management and security serves as a future landscape in shaping IT frameworks and processes with the mobile roadmap that is aligned with enterprise scenarios, policies and current systems.
Samaa Group maps business’s database management needs and use cases to enable them to quickly respond to the database administration changes. We help your organization grow fast & steady
Our database administration automation helps businesses, brands, and community organizations to build scalable websites and mobile application solutions that fits consumers' daily usage.